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Transactional Hearts ♡

In a world of transactional hearts,  Where love seems to play its part,  I ponder on what's real and true,  Is there a love that's pure and new? They say to marry for love's embrace,  Yet what I see is a different case,  A romance with terms and conditions,  Leaving me with lingering suspicions. In this dance of give and take,  Is there a love that won't forsake?  I long to find a love so sincere,  One that's not fueled by wants and fear. Where can I seek this genuine flame,  Unburdened by a hidden aim?  True love, a mystery untold,  In a realm where hearts unfold. Is it found in whispered words,  Or actions that speak louder than birds?  I search for love that's not a trade,  A bond that won't easily fade. Define for me this elusive bliss,  What makes a love that's more than this?  Not just a contract, a deal, a pact,  But a connection that's hard to extract. I yearn to know where true love lies,  Beneath the surface, beyond the skies.  Guide me to

A Cosmic Trance ♡

In the beginning, a whisper of time, A fraction so small, a cosmic rhyme. The Universe birthed, a grand display, Inflation danced, expanding its way. Faster than light, a cosmic race, Inflation's sprint, a vast embrace. Driven by vacuum energy's might, Expanding swiftly, out of sight. A blink in time, a moment brief, From atom's cradle to stadium's relief. Inflation waltzed, a fleeting spree, Transforming cosmos for all to see. As the dance concluded, energy's shift, A cosmic script, a celestial gift. Matter emerged, a cosmic thread, A symphony played as the Universe spread. From inflation's grip to plasma's hug, A transition swift, a cosmic tug. Hot and dense, a primordial dance, The Big Bang's moment, a cosmic trance. © Sobia Nosheen


Journey through life's unpredictable twists, Discover the power of forgiving mists. In the steaming dance of time, Compassion's rhythm, a soothing rhyme. Explore the realms of hearts set free, Release the burden of enmity. A poetic tale of forgiveness' art, Healing wounds, a fresh start. Embrace the love, let grudges fade, Life's brief moments, in kindness laid. © Sobia Nosheen (13th December 2023)

Love's Promise

Life is like a journey with twists and turns, Love is a lesson, and each heart yearns. "If you are unsure," people say, Just wait for love to come your way. Don't feel too sad, don't wear a frown, True love's test won't let you down. When someone special comes into view, That's when you'll know what love can do. It's fine to feel hurt, to shed a tear, Let your emotions be crystal clear. Feel the pain, but don't let it stay, In time, it'll slowly fade away. May you find a love that's pure, A love that helps your heart endure. Like a cosy home, warm and bright, Filled with joy and pure delight. No tests, no worries, just reach for the sky, A love that makes you feel so high. Trust unbroken, strong and true, A loyal companion just for you. May your heart find peace, strength, and grace, In love's enfold, a warm embrace. As you heal, your spirit renewed, A love so bright, forever pursued.

Embracing Gratitude and Realism in Our Relationships

In the journey of life, it's crucial to recognize and appreciate the kindness extended to us by others, each in their own unique way. Whether big or small, these acts of kindness contribute to the fabric of our existence, and it's essential to express gratitude. In this interconnected world, it's also wise to place trust and expectations in a higher power, be it God or any divine force one believes in. By doing so, we can find solace in the understanding that humans, despite their best intentions, are limited in their abilities. Human beings are just that; human. While their presence in our lives is a gift to be cherished, expecting them to be all-mighty is unrealistic. This acknowledgement is not a dismissal of their importance, but rather a reminder that they, too, have their own set of limitations. Gratitude for the people who bring positivity into our lives should be the focal point. Instead of burdening them with unrealistic expectations, we should embrace the uniquene

The Importance of Tending to Our Own Gardens

Amid life's busyness, we often find ourselves dedicated to nurturing the well-being of others. Like diligent gardeners, we water the plants in other people's lives, ensuring they bloom and flourish. Yet, amidst this altruistic endeavour, there's a tendency to overlook the garden we call our own. The metaphorical concept of tending to our own garden is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-care and self-nurturing. It echoes the wisdom that sometimes, in our eagerness to help others thrive, we inadvertently neglect the well-being of our own emotional, mental, and physical landscapes. Consider this: we water the plants in another person's life by offering support, lending a listening ear, and providing comfort. These actions are beautiful expressions of empathy and compassion. However, the danger lies in consistently directing all our energies outward, leaving our internal garden parched and neglected. Just like a garden requires a careful balance of sunlight, wate

A Tale of Lost Laughter

In days gone by, a friend so dear,  Brought joy to life, made everything clear.  With smiles that shone, like sunshine's gleam,  And laughter, a melody, a joyful dream. But then a change, a mystery unfolds,  His smile faded, his laughter in cold folds.  Quiet and sad, no words to say,  He turned away, drifted far away. Your laughter, a song I miss so much,  A lyric of joy, a magical touch.  Your smile, a beacon, lit up the space,  But now it's gone, leaving an empty place. Once the king of giggles, now so quiet,  Hardly a laugh, a sombre, silent riot.  I long to see that joy again,  To bring back the sunshine, dispel the pain. What happened, my friend, I wish to know,  To understand the reasons, to help you grow.  How can I bring your smile back to stay?  And make your giggles dance, bright as day? Let's find a way to turn the tide,  Bring back the laughter, side by side.  For in your smile, the world found light,  And in your g