Birthday, the day we were born, holds a special significance in our lives, and even the lives of those who care for us. Birthdays are special occasions . I have known people holding different opinions about celebrating birthdays. People can mainly be divided into three categories, based on their opinions on "celebrating Birthdays". You can make that "Two categories", if you think the third one isn't related. Category "One" are people who believe a birthday to be a sad event, as one loses a year of his life. They consider celebrating birthdays to be useless and a waste. Category "Two" are people who believe that birthdays are real special events in a person's life and a chance to be happy. One should avail every opportunity to celebrate. Category "Three" are impartial to the whole idea. They're just passive. Personally, I agree with category two, because category one are negative and pessimistic. We already know that this ...