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Showing posts with the label Taliban

Oh Not Another Breaking News !

My homeland, a new adventure everyday! Every morning you wake up, you hear breaking news! Could Pakistan be suffering at the hands of the talibans for hurting Afghanistan by supporting the Afghani Talibans in the past? Could this be a reaction to that? This morning I woke up, and accidentally switched on the TV to watch news after a long long time. I saw a news reporter standing in Sihala, Islamabad near an arms depot; site of some kind of a blast. Then another breaking news, a bomb blast killing 7 people in a market in Buttgram, Mansehra in the North of Pakistan. After some time, I saw a footage of shelling in Lahore probably on Ferozpur road. Then another breaking news of firing in Karachi, South of Pakistan. All this in a few hours and now I don't feel like taking my breakfast at all. So much for watching the television in the morning.

The Losers

The term "Talib" means, "Desirous", "eager to obtain" or "seeker". "Taliban" is a plural of "Talib". "Talab" means "want". "Talib-e-Ilem" means a "student" or someone who seeks knowledge. The term "Taliban" used for the terrorists does not mean they are the "Taliban" of some religion or knowledge. From what we have seen so far, they appear to be the "Taliban" of "power". No religion on the face of this earth and to my knowledge suggests the killings of innocent unarmed people. The "Taliban" operating in Pakistan, therefore do not belong to any religious group or atleast to no religion known to be a religion. They have deviced their own religion and thus are following that. We cannot blame these "Talibans" alone for their state of mind. They are a derailed group of individuals, who seek power, but they are hired and backed by yet...