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Showing posts with the label Judging

The News Women - Let Us Judge You !

The Jung Media Group - recently came up with a new adventure, The power 50, News Women. People were asked to nominate women who have made some difference through their work in the lives of others in Pakistan. I came to know about it only two days ago, when a friend of mine sent me a link of the page where he nominated me. Being a bit shy, I do not prefer being put on display for people to click on the vote button and judge me, so I requested my friends not to tag me in those posts. For fun, some of them did cast their votes for me.  Now looking at the number of votes received by the women who actually made a lot of difference through their work and contributed in a positive way to making Pakistan a better place, and the world at large, I was greatly disappointed and felt like The News Media probably should have used a better method to pay a tribute to these women. I came across Haseena Moin's page and found only twelve votes, similarly the twenty-seven year old Air Force F...

On Masterpiece...

"I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk." — Tony Robbins People are ever ready to judge you. Without monitoring, they evaluate you; but do they apply to themselves what they ask of you? How would you tell the men of merit from the ill mannered dogs? Judging someone is not right, and passing your verdict on someone is not right. Whatever you give, is what you shall get in return. Anyone speaking highly of you is actually representing himself and speaking of himself. Men of merit will always say good things about you, not on your face but behind your back. Positive speaking is a virtue, negative a vice.