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Showing posts with the label Sad

The Envious in Your Circle

I have always been very strong, all my life. I am grateful to God for that. Even when I was ever hurt, or injured, or crying, I was still strong. I have never known being weak. I draw my power from the faith I have in the plan of my Creator for me. I know, no matter what, God has my back. I know that I literally have angels around me to protect me from harm, all the time. I know that when ever I was sad and alone, I came across some angel on the streets, no matter which part of the world I was in. I have been strong, I am strong and I will, by the grace of God, be strong in the life ahead. I know that there's always something to be grateful for. I know that every cloud has a silver lining and that every night ends in a day.  When I see sad people, I see their potential to be happy. When I see people who have failed, I see their potential to succeed.

Some People !

We are all born for different reasons. We look at the world through different eyes. We have different understandings of things around us. Each one of us serves a different purpose. We do not necessarily belong together. People come into this world and leave after having served their purpose. Sometimes it appears like some people are born to suffer, while others are born to enjoy life and have fun. Whatever we are meant to be, is coded in our entire being. Those who suffer, will suffer even if they are provided with the conditions of the happy ones. If not in every case, sometimes in some cases the sufferer suffers at his own will.