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Showing posts with the label Evil

Leader of Leaders

If you look closely, you will find two kinds of people around you. One is the kind, that will support you, in what ever good you do, that benefits you, without anything in return. They are "leaders of leaders". They will show you the path, and only you will know who they are. When you shine, only you will know who contributed toward making that happen. Their mere presence is an encouragement for you. Then, there are people, who will think of you to be competition. They will misguide you and will try their best to keep you from shining your light. If they, by any chance, guide you, or contribute toward your success, they will make sure everyone knows it was because of them. It may not always be easy to identify such people. They are ordinary, and they may lead the herd, but their insecurities do not allow them to lead the leaders. In the moral hierarchy of humans, they are way down below the "leaders of leaders." 

The Root Of Evil

Fear is the root of all evil. Yes, fear is what makes you do things you would otherwise not want to do. This last Ramadan, I learnt alot about how other people felt. So far, it was the toughest Ramadan of my life. I went thirsty and hungry, and by the "Aftaar" time, I went almost greedy. I was still in control of me and my want for water and food. I had my share of food right there in front of me, yet I didn't have the patience to eat it in my own "princess style". I was eating like a poor hungry greedy man who had never had food for days. 

Are People Born Evil ?

One very interesting question that I often ask myself whenever I come across an evil toxic person is whether people are born evil or they just become evil. When I as a child, did not understand a lot of things, I did not know some people were evil and some good. I thought it was all a reaction to what others did as in if an evil person is being evil to you, you must have done something wrong, that is why he is being evil. It was when I grew a bit older and started to notice things more in detail that I realized that some people just could not help being evil.  I have a few toxic and evil persons around me, that keep forcing me to think about whether evil people are born or made. In order to know more about this fact, I started studying astrology and palmistry about seven years ago. Though both of them are good sciences, yet they were not enough to tell about a person; so I took up numerology and face reading as well. Now after alot of experience in al...

In Your Path

The battle against evil and injustice is not easy. You will make many foes. Those who were once your friends will become your enemies. Your own family will become your enemy. Nobody wants to be corrected and if you try to come in the way of their evil doings, you will be targeted as well.  It does not mean you should stop doing good because it bothers others. If there are bad people in the world, there are good people in the world too. Those who have a problem with your good work, have a problem with themselves. Let nothing discourage you. Let nothing hurt you. People are just people, they will say just about anything to bring you down. Know that God is there to support you. With God by your side, there is no way you are alone in your battle against evil and injustice.