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Showing posts with the label Allama Iqbal

The Meaning Of Ali

I've been looking for the meaning of the word "Ali" for over a year now. I cannot disclose my reasons for now, but it has been a very long and tiring quest. Last night while I was reading Allama Iqbal's Persian poetry book Asrar-e-Khudi (The Secrets of the Self), I came across a poem I am sharing here. This seems to be linked to the quest somehow.  Setting Forth The Inner Meanings Of The Names Of Ali در شرح اسرار اسمای علی مرتضی Ali is the first Muslim and the King of men, مسلم اول شہ مردان علے In Love's eyes Ali is the treasure of the Faith. عشق را سرمایہ ی ایمان علے Devotion to his family inspires me with life از ولای دودمانش زندہ ام