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Showing posts with the label Fear

Fear Murders Peace

Fear of something in the hearts and minds of individuals, kills their chance to peace and harmony. Fear breeds anger. Only those who do not fear, can succeed. When we fail to understand something, we begin to fear it. Fear leads to hatred and anger. We avoid what we hate and eventually deprive ourselves of an opportunity to get to know something good. Have you ever seen wild animals? Do you know we can tame even the wild wolves? Animals too can sense fear in a human, and that is when they attack only the individuals who fear them, since the wild animals can sense the unfriendliness in the hearts of those individuals. People who tame these wild animals do not fear them. They approach them with the determination to befriend them. That is the reason why they succeed in communicating with the wild animals.     You use force against something only when you fear it. You hate something only when you fear it. You fear  something only when you fail to understand it. If yo...

You Always Have A God

Ultimately everyone fears God. Even the so-called atheists. Nobody is ever free of fear. It's really amazing to see how, by the end, only God's rule prevails. People will always have a "god", for people are just people. Watch them run for their lives when the earth shakes. Watch them fast; out of fear (of anything), during the month of Ramadan. They fast because they "fear" some god. There is always a "god". Be it the fear of God Almighty, be it the fear of their godly neighbors, godly traditions, godly culture, or any other small worldly god. Nobody is ever in a state of actual godlessness.    

The Root Of Evil

Fear is the root of all evil. Yes, fear is what makes you do things you would otherwise not want to do. This last Ramadan, I learnt alot about how other people felt. So far, it was the toughest Ramadan of my life. I went thirsty and hungry, and by the "Aftaar" time, I went almost greedy. I was still in control of me and my want for water and food. I had my share of food right there in front of me, yet I didn't have the patience to eat it in my own "princess style". I was eating like a poor hungry greedy man who had never had food for days. 

Deal With Your Fears In Time

Fear of the unknown does not let one grow and prosper. Fear kills passion and faith. So kill your fears before they harm you. Courage is eternal, while fear is only temporary. Overcome your fears. Look fear straight in the eye and defeat it. There is nothing in this world that is impossible. Anything good that you want to achieve, is possible. Our problem is that most of the time, we are passionate and enthusiastic about doing something, but there are forces around us, people around us that try to bring us down, and demotivate us. Try not to pay any attention to those negative forces. Do not let negative thoughts build in your head. Get rid of them the moment they are building up. Replace your fears with hopes. You will definitely feel the difference.