My little sister and I were out for a walk last night. The sky was clear around 11:00pm and the stars were shining brightly. She looked up, saw the North Star, and asked me which planet it was. I told her it was Venus. Then I went about telling her how the planets reflected light, and appeared brighter, while the stars emitted light or radiation. She kept asking me questions about the universe. One of them was, that if to us, all the heavenly bodies appear up above in the sky, does it mean, that to anybody on those planets, we would appear down under in space? I said No, the way we are attracted to our planet's center of gravity, so we walk with our feet on the ground, and heads toward the sky, and that’s true for anywhere around the world; the same way, anybody on other planets would be walking, due to their planet’s center of gravity, feet on the ground and heads toward the sky, and so to them, we too would appear up above in their sky. Then she asked if God only made eart...