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Compassion or Weakness

One fine afternoon, I decided to meet Baba Jee. I went to his humble abode, but his caretaker informed me that Baba Jee was sitting by the stream, approximately half an hour away. So, I walked all the way and found Baba Jee sitting under a tree by the stream on a fine rug. He was happy to see me and jokingly asked, "Is your friend from Lahore still around?" "No, Baba Jee," I replied, "he left for Lahore right after leaving your place yesterday." Baba Jee then asked me to sit on the rug and offered me some green tea and sweets. He said, "What brings you today, my child?" Sobia: Baba Jee, you know I am a kind-hearted person who finds it hard to hold grudges or take harsh actions against those who have wronged me. People often see this as a weakness and believe I lack courage. I forgive even when others have offended or hurt me unjustly. They think I do this because I am weak. Is it true? Baba Jee: My child, true strength lies in the heart that can

Took My Friend To Meet Baba Jee

My friend Siraj requested me to take him to Baba Jee, so I did. Baba Jee doesn't want to be a public figure, so people don't know him as such. Only a few travellers like myself, who have come across him, know where he can be found.  As we arrived at Baba Jee's modest abode located in the north of Pakistan near Afghanistan, he greeted us warmly, his face lighting up with a welcoming smile. He was very happy to meet Siraj, who had travelled all the way from Lahore to seek his wisdom. Baba Jee invited us in, and we settled down over a cup of green tea and some sweets. After a brief introduction, Siraj began to share his concerns. Siraj: Baba Jee, I feel so alone in life. I long to share my meals with someone, but even though I have family members, it’s not our tradition to sit together and eat. Everyone eats by themselves, in their own rooms. It’s not that I can’t afford it; it’s just that nobody seems interested in sitting together and eating. This makes me feel isolated. Bab

Another Visit To Baba Jee

I first met Baba Jee in the rugged mountains of Landikotal in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. He was an immigrant from Afghanistan, having fled the turmoil during the USSR war. Over the years, he had been adopted by a wealthy landlord in the tribal belt of Pakistan and had become a Pakistani citizen. Baba Jee, a man of deep wisdom and quiet strength, speaks Pashto and Dari, and I am sharing a translation of our conversation in English. I make it a point to travel to his remote location a few times a year to seek his guidance and get my pressing questions answered. Most of our conversations are recorded, ensuring I can revisit his deep wisdom whenever needed. (Sharing the dialogue I had with Baba Jee today) Sobia (Me): Baba Jee, I have been troubled for the past year. Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, with mosques everywhere, people fasting during Ramzan, and our constitution rooted in Islam. Yet, I see people who lie, cheat, deceive, and steal, while still bowing down in pr

Tactical Cunning Skills

In the world of games, at age just two, A child begins a cunning debut. Concealment, distraction, teasing play, Skills of deceit find an early way. Lies not rigid, but surprisingly free, Mimicking adults, yet with a child's glee. Building images of competence, so keen, Creating bonds and saving face, unseen. Complex lies, a face-saving art, At two and a half, they subtly start. Bravado, corrections, blame placed askew, In the world of children, skills accrue. Blaming toys or an implausible name, Learning from mistakes, not all the same. In conversion disorders, signals so sly, Deception plays out, catching the eye. Like birds leading predators astray, Children deceive in their own way. From silence to calling, distractions unfold, A repertoire of skills, cunning and bold. Images created, affiliative and more, Tools of deception in their little store. As they grow, those skills refine, A teenage web of deception, so fine. Falsification, concealment, exaggeration too, Mixing fact wit

Why So Tense?

In this hurried life, why the constant tension? Are we wary of the divine's benevolent intervention? Why the need to scheme, to outshine, to outdo? Does deceit really pave the way to triumph we pursue? Why the urgency to cheat, to cunningly deceive? Do we believe success requires others to grieve? Why the impatience, the lack of self-command? Does the rush to victory obscure life's fancy strand? In this quest for more, do we lose what truly counts? Is the pursuit of success leaving us with discounted amounts? Why not pause, reflect, and grasp life's essence? Could tranquillity be the key, dispelling the tension's presence? ⒸSobia Nosheen

Wisdom in Life

During my last trip to the tribal region in the north of Pakistan, I found myself once again in the company of Baba Jee before heading back to Karachi. His dwelling, a simple abode, welcomed me with a warmth that transcended its humble surroundings. As I approached, I noticed Baba Jee seated on a worn rug in his mud courtyard, soaking in the golden sunlight. "Baba Jee, it's good to see you again," I greeted him, to which he responded with a welcoming smile. "Come, sit beside me," he gestured to the rug, "and share what's on your mind." Seating myself on the rug, I began to recount various incidents from my life, seeking Baba Jee's guidance. His wise eyes listened attentively, and when I finished, he shared his insights. "My child, let me offer you a piece of advice," he began, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "Never flaunt your wealth or discuss your riches with those who may not share similar financial circumstances.

Gratitude and Transformation

I feel profound gratitude for the nights that gracefully transformed into mornings, each moment etching itself into the canvas of my heart. Those late hours, bathed in shared laughter and intimate conversations, hold a special place in my soul. They forged connections that transcend mere friendship, evolving into bonds as resilient and comforting as family ties. In the quiet transition from darkness to dawn, I discovered the enduring beauty of relationships that blossomed beneath the soft glow of the moon. My heart swells with appreciation for friends who have seamlessly woven themselves into the fabric of my life, transforming into a chosen family. Together, we've weathered storms, celebrated triumphs, and stood side by side through the ebb and flow of life. These connections go beyond the superficial; they are the anchors grounding me in a world that can often feel tumultuous. The understanding, love, and unwavering support we share illuminate the profound truth that real kinship