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Dusty's Silent Moment

Me: Dusty, speak to me ! Dusty: You are surrounded by toxic elements these days. Your profound anger is impossible for me to absorb. I better stay silent. Me: :-S :-O

Actual Poverty

Poor is not he, who does not have money, poor is he, who does not have peace. Poor is he, who is not at peace; for even money cannot buy you inner peace.

Dusty On Relationships: Tip # 1

Dusty says,  "You don't necessarily have to make one person's life miserable, in order to make another person happy."

Speaking The Truth In Public

Ask me to speak, only when you have the courage to hear the truth. Most people invite me to speak. I speak the truth, and the wolves in sheep clothing get offended. People may ask you not to be blunt, not to speak the truth and to learn to lie. If you fear others, then learn to lie, otherwise, know that you have to live with yourself all the time, therefore speak the truth if you do not want to live with a liar.

The Art of Politics

Politics is an art, while leadership is a quality. Art is a quality too, but politics has become dirty business. The art of politics is made dirty by the dirty lot. Never confuse a politician with a leader, anywhere in any walk of life. To have the true ability to lead is much more than just politics.  Politics is - fashion.

Inner Peace

The ultimate goal of our existence is not to get something material in life. It is to be at peace within. You may get everything you want and still may want more and more, you will remain poor, for as long as you keep on wanting. The day "you" achieve peace within, you would want no more. It is something that will make you feel like there is nothing in the universe that you want anymore; because, inner peace - if you have truly even known it; is literally "everything" that there is, that one will ever want to have. We are actually striving for peace without even knowing it. Some think it lies in money, some say, in love. While each human being holds it within himself at all times. We just need to dig deeper into our souls and find it.