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Peshawar - From The Backseat

Around Peshawar  I was struggling with an injury, so lying on the backseat and thought I would take some photos of Peshawar. Here they are :-)

The Me

You say I've changed, You say I'm not the same. Remind me of how I used to be? I'd love to hear it from you. I don't remember myself, The me that you remember, From the days of old. I don't know how I was back then, Were not I, as I am today? There are no images of me, In my mind; from yonder years. What is so different about me today? Could it be that your vision has changed? Could it be that we're not meeting, at a battle field today? Is it I, or has your perception of me changed? © Sobia Nosheen (3rd March 2012)

Butterflies In My Stomach

 Sometimes, these days I feel butterflies in my veins. They fly all the way Round my heart, in circles  Then into my stomach. It's a feeling so strange Making my arms numb My heart muscles flutter Seems like they want; You, to fly away with them. These little buggers, when appear Won't let you concentrate! © Sobia Nosheen (3rd March 2012) ❤💮

Unconditional Love ?

The only love that exists in the world today, in you and I and all around us is "self-love". There is no other love and no other greater love around us than "self-love". We do things that please us. We claim we love someone, but we do not love anyone other than ourselves. Yes, we only love ourselves.  We claim we love someone so much that we will die if we did not get to be with that someone. What does it mean? Do we even care about the other person's feelings? No. We are trying to please ourselves all this while. In my opinion, love should be unconditional. If I claim to love someone and the other person does not reciprocate my feelings, what do I do? Is it necessary that the other person should feel the same way? No.

Pappu Vs. Awkward

Pappu is a jazzy, trendy, fashionable, burger eating, dew drinking guy who goes to a co-educational institute, has a Facebook profile with plenty of girls added. He jokes around and laughs. He loves to be surrounded by girls. Peeps and winks at them in class. He is into girls. He is "in" these days.  Aajkal Pappu ka scene "on" hay ! There is another guy, he goes to the same institute, has a Facebook profile too, but not many girls on it. His Facebook profile picture is also dull and boring. He does not have any catchy status messages. He does not even put gel in his hair or comb it very often. He does not care much about what he wears for as long as it is clean. He prefers the national dress more. Girls do not like him much because he is not a chick magnet. He has nothing to offer them, apparently. He does not have a pair of sun glasses and does not wear jeans. "He is so awkward and pathetic", says one girl. "Pappu chiknayyyyy

Eggs In Distress !

     Oh No ! It's breeeeaaaaakkkkkfastttttt Tiiiimmmeeee ! First egg: Eeeeeek ! hide me. Second egg: Shut up and let me think.

Did You Conspire Behind My Back?

When I was much younger, less aware and less educated, I used to waste a lot of my time in giving clarifications and explanations to others about the things I had nothing to do with, or things that were not my fault.  At home with my siblings, and at school, college and university with my friends. What I was unaware of was, that there was always someone out there trying to create this misunderstanding. Someone applying the divide and conquer rule to my life. I do not blame the evil ones for creating misunderstandings, because they are doing their job very well. Bravo! The bad people are the "bugs" or viruses in the program of your life. This is what they were sent here for. They will try to corrupt your whole system. You just have to know how to guard against them.