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Maple Syrup

  The New England Maple Museum is a sincere effort to offer an educational and fun tour of the maple industry.

Tutto Italia Ristorante

A really funny and sweet note I found at an Italian restaurant in New York !

The Most Entertaining Thriller Ever

With him thought to have died on the 13th of December 2001, he dies yet again ! The man seems to have nine lives, like a cat. He just won't stop. I wonder if this was the last time he died !

Rikshaw Quote of The Day - A Kind of Education

Tried to capture the world famous quotable quotes on a rikshaw :-P

The Upside Down Flag at PC Lahore

I really do not know the reason why the Pearl Continental Hotel administration ran the Pakistani flag upside down, but I sure did got blamed for taking a photograph with an upside down flag. Being an optimistic person, I tend to think positive and do not like to find faults with everything. It could have been the lack of awareness and Flag etiquette that this flag was run upside down, or it could have been a distress call.

Subconscious and the Conscious Mind

Our subconscious mind is a storage device for our experiences, beliefs, memories, images we've ever seen, our habits and skill sets; and almost everything that we do not have in our conscious mind at the moment. Whenever we face a new situation, our sudden reaction to it is influenced by our subconscious mind. Our conscious mind is responsible for all those actions that we have complete control over. The subconscious mind learns by repetition and not by logic.

A Just Society

We need to change this world We need to wake it up It’s a tragedy a nightmare, which we live There is suffering and disease There is war there is hate And discrimination all around us Hungry children, homelessness Inequality, corruption and unfairness Can there ever be a just society? Where all must give to the poor Provide equality for all You must create a just society Can all people be viewed equal, And entitled to the same privileges? Where all people have an even chance Where children go to schools Where your sorrows are mine, and mine yours You must create a just society © Sobia Nosheen (9th February 2011)