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Your thoughts matter alot. Your life depends on the way you think. Change the way you think and you will change your life.

Enemy Or Friend ?

Something one should never forget !

Significance Of A Birthday

Birthday, the day we were born, holds a special significance in our lives, and even the lives of those who care for us. Birthdays are special occasions . I have known people holding different opinions about celebrating birthdays. People can mainly be divided into three categories, based on their opinions on "celebrating Birthdays". You can make that "Two categories", if you think the third one isn't related. Category "One" are people who believe a birthday to be a sad event, as one loses a year of his life. They consider celebrating birthdays to be useless and a waste. Category "Two" are people who believe that birthdays are real special events in a person's life and a chance to be happy. One should avail every opportunity to celebrate. Category "Three" are impartial to the whole idea. They're just passive. Personally, I agree with category two, because category one are negative and pessimistic. We already know that this

Deal With Your Fears In Time

Fear of the unknown does not let one grow and prosper. Fear kills passion and faith. So kill your fears before they harm you. Courage is eternal, while fear is only temporary. Overcome your fears. Look fear straight in the eye and defeat it. There is nothing in this world that is impossible. Anything good that you want to achieve, is possible. Our problem is that most of the time, we are passionate and enthusiastic about doing something, but there are forces around us, people around us that try to bring us down, and demotivate us. Try not to pay any attention to those negative forces. Do not let negative thoughts build in your head. Get rid of them the moment they are building up. Replace your fears with hopes. You will definitely feel the difference.

Don't Wait, The Time Will Never Be Just Right

It takes courage to act. I've seen many people just talking about willing to do things while they actually do not have the courage to put their plan to action. It's easy to talk, but it takes courage to act. It's not enough to just will to do things, or just to know how to do things. What is more important is to just do it. I have known people criticizing doers. Believing that a doer is not necessarily an achiever. I think a doer definitely achieves something. It's better than not having attempted something out of the fear of failure. Today I had a terrible experience with someone questioning my achievements in life, and also criticizing my involvement in politics and calling me a failure. All because I lost the general elections to the Finance Minister, does not make me a failure. If I had withdrawn at that point out of fear of losing the elections, I would have had set a real bad example for the youth in general and for the girls in specific. For me, staying there til

Yay Me !

From our birthday, until we die, Is but the winking of an eye. - William Butler Yeats Whoever has a birthday on the 31 st of May, I wish them all a very Happy Birthday ! Celebrate your birthday everyday, celebrate yourself ! Celebrate your own magnificence every day.

Flower Quote Of The Day

I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one. ~Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Afternoon on a Hill"