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The Palm Of Your Hand

It is generally believed that the palm of your hand holds your destiny. You may have been to palmists who might have told you all kinds of things that your hand says about your future, and then later on, you may have ended in disappointment, when none of the good things you were told came true. These lines on our hands keep changing from time to time. You might have noticed the change yourself. Your hand does tell you about which way you are heading in life at a particular time, but that may not be true for long. Because, as we change our course in life, with time, these lines change too, revealing where we are heading. So it is not the lines that determine our fate, it is our actions that make up these lines, which in turn only indicate or interpret the results of our actions in the near future. There may be some good palmists out there, who even might have some mystic powers, who can take a peek into the future and tell you what lies ahead. Have you ever been


Today at around 3:00 PM in Peshawar near Pak-Afghan border, I saw this "something" in the sky. I thought it was a shooting star, but it looked like a shuttle, yet, it headed toward the ground after travelling a parabolic trajectory for some time. That reminded me of "projectiles travelling along parabolic trajectories" and parabolic time-travel. If that were a jet or a plane, it wouldn't look like a shuttle, and wouldn't fall to the ground as it was. If that weren't a rocket fired, then was it "parabolic time-travel"? What do you think that could be?

The Dancing Moon

The moon is dancing to the sound of traffic in Peshawar !

The Losers

The term "Talib" means, "Desirous", "eager to obtain" or "seeker". "Taliban" is a plural of "Talib". "Talab" means "want". "Talib-e-Ilem" means a "student" or someone who seeks knowledge. The term "Taliban" used for the terrorists does not mean they are the "Taliban" of some religion or knowledge. From what we have seen so far, they appear to be the "Taliban" of "power". No religion on the face of this earth and to my knowledge suggests the killings of innocent unarmed people. The "Taliban" operating in Pakistan, therefore do not belong to any religious group or atleast to no religion known to be a religion. They have deviced their own religion and thus are following that. We cannot blame these "Talibans" alone for their state of mind. They are a derailed group of individuals, who seek power, but they are hired and backed by yet

Letters from Grandpa "1998-99"

When I moved to live with my parents in Rawalpindi, grandpa used to write letters to us, almost everyday. I'd seek his guidance. I still have his letters and read them whenever I need help with something. He was a great person. He was always caring. He passed away in May '99. Reading his letters still feels like grandpa is there.