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Happy New Year '15

I have not posted here for quite some time now. This first day of the year 2015, I felt like penning something down after months. Wishing everyone everywhere on this earth, a very blessed new year. I hope this year brings everyone joy and happiness. Hoping we all stick to our new year's resolutions this year. I pray we hold on to the good thoughts and happy moments in life, and never keep a bad thought or a hurtful moment in our hearts and minds for long. A healthier thought process gives us a healthy life. A very Happy New Year to Everyone

Beat The Heat with Cashif !

Cashif Rehman, a charming young lad, from the social sector in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, beat the crap out of a "hindwana" (watermelon) to produce six glasses of juice last night for his Aftari. This led to the idea of an "On the go, Cooking show", where Cashif will play the Gullu Btutt of fruit and vegetables on the streets of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, beating the juice out of those different kinds of fruit and serving it to every passerby at the time of Aftari. Stay tuned guys.

Fear Karma (You Hot Beast) :-D

Whatever you give, is what you "will" get. Such is this world. Be kind, and the universe will be kind to you. Be mean and the universe will treat you accordingly. Respect and you will be respected in return. Disrespect, and you will be disrespected.    Maybe not that instant, not that day, not that month, not that year,  but trust me, karma is a bitch and she will come and get you. You will not find any place to hide. Not just you, but your future generations too. Harass one person, and Karma will make sure your future generations are harassed the same way for the times to come. Whatever you do, you initiate a chain reaction.   Whatever you give (good or bad), you give it to yourself in the future. 

Destiny !

We humans, the silly creatures that we are,  spend all our lives in search of our destiny;  while destiny is what happens to us each day along the way.  All the good and the bad, the happy and the sad.

Marriage - Men & Women

I have come across people who enter into marriages, particularly love marriages, with the hope that they will transform their lives magically. They think love marriages are like magic, and work miracles; the way they see on television. If you are not happy being single, you can never be happy being married. Happiness comes from within. Marriage, be it arranged or love, needs a lot of work. Building homes takes energy, time, compromises and patience. It does not need "love" alone. Homes break when you listen to the judgements of other people about the people you live with. First of all, when entering into a love marriage, if you expect all your wishes and desires to be met by your loyal slave only at the wave of your magic wand, then you are an idiot. That is not how marriages work. If you enter into marriage with the aim of controlling your in-laws, you are being an idiot once again, driven by Adrenalin and ambition, or maybe by Star Plus. You probably could not find

Bitter - Better

You are "bitter" because I am "better". When someone is not treating you right, they are bitter because they know you are better and they cannot digest this fact !

Respect !

When you talk to respectable and honorable people, you will get respect in return. When you talk to people who have no respect of their own, you will get disrespect in return for sure. Every time people treat you badly, you should know that the problem in not with you, but with them. If they disrespect you, or try to belittle you, know that they feel insecure in your presence. They feel threatened by you being better than they are. They give you only what they have received from the universe. Someone who respects you has a lot of respect of his own in the eyes of the world and the universe. The world must have treated him well, and he is familiar with respect. People who are kind, have known kindness. People will give you of what they have. How can you expect someone to give you of what they do not have?