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Showing posts with the label Respect

Choosing Wisely for Marriage

The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the courtyard where Baba Jee sat every evening. His weathered face carried tales of wisdom, and his eyes sparkled with a glint of insight. I often found solace in his stories, seeking guidance from his years of experience. This evening, I approached him, eager for a conversation that weighed heavy on my mind. "Salaam, Baba Jee," I greeted respectfully, settling down on the mat next to him. "Wa alaikum as-salam, Sobia, my dear child. What brings you here today?" he responded, his voice soft but laden with an air of authority. "I wanted to talk to you about friendships and relationships," I began tentatively. "I've been thinking a lot about who real friends are and also about the kind of person one should look for when thinking about marriage." Baba Jee nodded, his eyes seemingly scanning the distant horizon. "Ah, friendships and marriages. Two paths intertwined with the fabric of trust,

Stop Giving Your Heart to People Who Need a Brain

In the complex world of human relationships, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of emotions and attachments. We often find ourselves investing our time, energy, and emotions into individuals who, in hindsight, may not have been the best recipients for our love and affection. It's a common human experience to give our hearts to those who need a brain – people who may not appreciate or reciprocate the depth of our feelings. In this article, we'll explore the concept of being discerning in our emotional investments and discuss why it's crucial to stop giving your heart to such individuals. Before delving deeper into this topic, it's essential to understand the difference between people who genuinely deserve our love and those who might not. People who need a brain in this context are those who display characteristics or behaviours that make them unsuitable for a deep emotional connection. This can encompass a range of traits, including selfishness, emotional u

Building Blocks of a Successful Married Life

Marriage is a profound journey, a union of two souls embarking on a lifelong adventure. Yet, this path is often riddled with challenges, and the key to a successful married life lies in navigating those challenges together. In this guide, we will explore the building blocks of a successful married life, drawing from time-tested wisdom and contemporary insights to help you build a strong and lasting relationship. Communication: The Cornerstone of Connection Effective communication is the foundation upon which a successful married life is built. It's the bridge that connects two individuals, allowing them to understand each other's thoughts, emotions, and needs. To nurture this crucial aspect of your relationship: 1. Active Listening: Take the time to truly listen to your partner. Give them your undivided attention, ask questions, and show empathy. Being heard is a fundamental human need, and active listening is a way to fulfill this need for your spouse. 2. Open and Honest Dial

Respect !

When you talk to respectable and honorable people, you will get respect in return. When you talk to people who have no respect of their own, you will get disrespect in return for sure. Every time people treat you badly, you should know that the problem in not with you, but with them. If they disrespect you, or try to belittle you, know that they feel insecure in your presence. They feel threatened by you being better than they are. They give you only what they have received from the universe. Someone who respects you has a lot of respect of his own in the eyes of the world and the universe. The world must have treated him well, and he is familiar with respect. People who are kind, have known kindness. People will give you of what they have. How can you expect someone to give you of what they do not have?

Aint No Place

My bitter experiences have taught me, that being a woman in itself is a curse. Women seem to have no place they can call their own. A woman is either in her father's home, or her husband's home or later in her son's home. It's not alone the material place I'm talking about, it's the sense of belongingness, the fact that she has to be dominated, and nothing is to belong to her, but she has to belong somewhere, only to be treated like a commodity, property or a thing. She can belong only when certain "conditions" (more or less similar to slavery) are met. I don't know about the west, but that's how it is in the east. It's a sin to be born a woman. Women are neither respected nor loved unconditionally. Give me one example of a son who loves his mother unconditionally, or a brother who would do anything for his sister unconditionally, or a father or husband who loves his wife or daughters unconditionally? (We do find exceptions at times) I have