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The Charms and Charades of Gold Diggers

In the world of wealth and gleam, A tale of gold diggers, it may seem, Men who chase fortunes, not heart's dreams, Their greed avaricious, like flowing streams. With silver tongues and hollow eyes, They seek out riches, in no disguise, They'll charm and smile, tell pretty lies, But true love's treasure, they'll despise. They court the pockets, not the soul, Seeking riches to make them whole, But in the end, they pay the toll, For hearts of gold, they can't control. Beware the gold digger's cunning wiles, Their pursuit of wealth, their endless trials, For in the end, true love compiles, A treasure of joy that truly beguiles. © Sobia Nosheen (14th October 2023)

Building Blocks of a Successful Married Life

Marriage is a profound journey, a union of two souls embarking on a lifelong adventure. Yet, this path is often riddled with challenges, and the key to a successful married life lies in navigating those challenges together. In this guide, we will explore the building blocks of a successful married life, drawing from time-tested wisdom and contemporary insights to help you build a strong and lasting relationship. Communication: The Cornerstone of Connection Effective communication is the foundation upon which a successful married life is built. It's the bridge that connects two individuals, allowing them to understand each other's thoughts, emotions, and needs. To nurture this crucial aspect of your relationship: 1. Active Listening: Take the time to truly listen to your partner. Give them your undivided attention, ask questions, and show empathy. Being heard is a fundamental human need, and active listening is a way to fulfill this need for your spouse. 2. Open and Honest Dial

Lasting Love

In a world filled with endless romantic tales, a common question arises: Is there such a thing as true love, and does it truly last? Love has been the subject of countless stories, songs, and poems, often portrayed as the epitome of happiness. But is it merely a fleeting emotion, or can it stand the test of time? We delve into the depths of this intriguing topic, exploring successful love stories that emerged both from love marriages and even after arranged unions. We also examine the significance of confessing one's love and ponder whether marrying for love should be a fundamental consideration. Love Beyond Arranged Marriages Arranged marriages have long been a significant part of many cultures, often raising the question of whether love can genuinely develop in such unions. The answer is a resounding yes. Love can undoubtedly flourish in arranged marriages. Over time, the initial unfamiliarity between two individuals can transform into a deep and lasting affection. Commitment, sh

Whispers of Wisdom

In a quaint little village nestled in the serene Himalayan foothills, I had the extraordinary privilege of encountering Baba jee, a wise and tranquil sage known for his profound insights into life's mysteries. As I approached his humble abode, seeking guidance for the turmoil that had been clouding my mind, Baba jee welcomed me with a serene smile. Seated cross-legged on a worn-out mat, his eyes held a tranquil depth that seemed to see beyond the ordinary.  I poured out my concerns and asked for advice. With a gentle nod, Baba jee leaned forward and uttered those words that would forever shape my perspective: "Don't sweat what isn't your fault. You do you and let everyone's karma handle them." He went on to share a story from his own life, recounting how he, too, had once fretted over the actions and injustices of others. But as he embraced this philosophy, he found peace in focusing on his own path and actions, trusting that the universe had a way of balancin

Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is a date that has long been shrouded in superstition and fear. This day, when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday, is often associated with bad luck and various ominous beliefs. While it's unclear how this superstition originated, it has become deeply ingrained in many cultures around the world. For centuries, people have held Friday the 13th as a day to be cautious, avoid making significant decisions, or undertaking new ventures. It's not uncommon for individuals to feel heightened anxiety or trepidation on this day, fearing that misfortune might strike. Some even refuse to travel, start new projects, or make important life changes on this particular date. Interestingly, the fear of Friday the 13th is known as "paraskevidekatriaphobia." It's a term derived from the Greek words "Paraskevi" for Friday and "dekatreis" for 13. Despite the superstitions surrounding this day, it's important to remember that it's larg

A Path to Global Well-Being

In a world that often seems overwhelmed by problems, challenges, and conflicts, there's an increasingly urgent need to shift our collective focus towards happiness and joy. The pursuit of these positive emotions is not merely an idealistic notion but a pragmatic approach to fostering individual well-being and global harmony. By centring our attention on happiness and joy, we can create a more harmonious and prosperous world for all. First and foremost, prioritizing happiness means acknowledging the fundamental importance of mental and emotional well-being. A society that values happiness understands that mental health is as significant as physical health. By promoting emotional resilience and psychological well-being, we can equip individuals to navigate life's ups and downs with greater grace and ease. This, in turn, leads to healthier relationships, increased productivity, and a more supportive and empathetic community. Moreover, a focus on joy encourages us to celebrate the

A Tale of Forbidden Love

In shadows cast by moonlight's gentle gleam, A tale of forbidden love, a secret dream. Two hearts as one, an untold truth concealed, A guarded secret, a love never revealed. Whispers in the night, a stolen glance, In the dance of secrecy, they took the chance. But lips could not confess what hearts did know, Their love, a hidden river's ceaseless flow. Oh, the world may never learn their sweet refrain, For they cannot disclose their love's true pain. In this life, they part, in silence they must grieve, But maybe in a next lifetime, they'll believe. In that distant realm where secrets find release, They'll share the love that yearned for endless peace. "I will let you know," their promise to renew, "How much I loved you, in that life, it's true." © Sobia Nosheen