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Showing posts from October, 2023

Divine Protection and Nurturing Inner Peace

Maintaining an unshakable sense of peace despite the plots and ill intentions of others is rooted in my unwavering belief that I am divinely protected, with the knowledge that God watches over me. It's an assurance that no matter what schemes may be devised against me, there is a higher power that ultimately governs the fate of those who intend harm. My faith in God's divine protection is a cornerstone of my perspective on life. It reminds me that, as long as I act with integrity and goodness, I am under the shelter of a higher power, and no harm can truly befall me without my consent or God's allowance. Evil individuals who plot against me will inevitably face the consequences of their own malevolent schemes. Knowing this, I choose to hold only peace in my heart and mind. I do not carry the burden of their negativity or ill will. Instead, I rely on my faith in divine protection, recognizing that the universe operates on principles of justice and balance. This perspective e

The Transformative Influence of Seeking Positivity in Every Situation

In a world often overshadowed by challenges and uncertainties, the pursuit of positivity remains a powerful and transformative mindset. The act of looking for the good in every situation is not merely a cliché but a profound approach that can significantly impact one’s perspective, behaviour, and overall well-being. Embracing optimism involves training the mind to seek the silver lining in even the most challenging circumstances. It's about acknowledging the presence of difficulties while focusing on the opportunities and lessons they bring. This proactive outlook empowers individuals to navigate life’s ups and downs with resilience and strength. The power of seeking the good in every situation lies in its ability to shift perspectives. It challenges the conventional way of perceiving events. Rather than dwelling on negativity or setbacks, this approach prompts individuals to reframe their thinking, viewing obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning. Studies show that a pos

The Timeless Elegance of Adorning a Light Purple Dupatta

In the vibrant world of fashion and cultural heritage, the dupatta stands as an iconic piece that not only complements attire but also carries significant symbolism and meaning. Among the spectrum of colours available, the light purple dupatta, in particular, holds a unique allure and a plethora of benefits beyond its aesthetic appeal. In many cultures, the dupatta is not merely an accessory but a symbol of grace, modesty, and tradition. The colour purple, often associated with royalty and spirituality, adds depth and meaning to this already symbolic garment. The light purple shade, in particular, signifies creativity, intuition, and a sense of calm, making it a popular choice for various occasions and moods. The subtle yet distinctive charm of a light purple dupatta lies in its ability to effortlessly elevate any outfit. Whether paired with a simple kurta or a heavily embroidered ensemble, the soft hue adds a touch of sophistication and refinement. It harmonizes splendidly with a rang

The Unfathomable Depth of Love

Love, the powerful force that binds hearts and souls, often reveals its true depth in moments of parting. The sentiment expressed in the quote, "Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation," encapsulates the poignant truth that the full magnitude of love remains obscured until the shadow of separation looms. It is in these moments of impending loss or distance that the profound depths of love become starkly apparent. Love is a complex emotion, transcending boundaries, cultures, and time. In the throes of daily life, it can be easy to take the depth of love for granted. Routine can cloak the intensity of emotions, allowing us to overlook the profound impact that our connections have on us. However, when faced with the impending separation from a loved one, whether it's physical distance, the end of a relationship, or the passing of a dear soul, the depths of love are profoundly stirred. The impending separation acts as a catalyst, peeling away the layers of f

Understanding the Power of Not Trying to Achieve

In a world where effort and persistence are hailed as virtues on the path to success, the idea of not trying might sound counterintuitive. Yet, there's a nuanced perspective that suggests sometimes not trying can be the key to achieving our goals. Often, when we fervently attempt to accomplish something and it continually eludes us, it can foster a sense of frustration and negativity. This negative association with the unachieved goal may inadvertently create an energy that repels rather than attracts what we desire. It's a concept that delves into the realms of the law of attraction and the power of the mind over our reality. The notion goes something like this: our thoughts and emotions emit a certain vibration or frequency, and the things we desire also resonate at a particular frequency. When our thoughts and desires are not aligned, the incongruence can act as a barrier, preventing us from manifesting our goals. Consider a scenario where an individual ardently pursues a ca

My Fascination with Intelligence, Kindness, and Innocence

As a sapiosexual, my attraction lies in the depth of intellect, the warmth of kindness, and the purity of innocence. It's not merely a preference; it's a fundamental aspect of my identity, drawing me toward a connection that surpasses the confines of physical appeal and seeks a more profound mental and emotional bond. For me, being a sapiosexual isn't just about intelligence; it's about the beautiful amalgamation of intelligence, innocence, and kindness that sparks my interest. The attraction doesn't stem solely from a sharp wit or vast knowledge but is complemented by an unadulterated perception of life and a compassionate nature. When engaging with others, I find that being asked illogical or superficial questions is a significant turn-off. It's not about intelligence alone but also about the blend of innocence and kindness that colours the interaction and makes it profoundly engaging for me. Moreover, I am immensely drawn to individuals who not only possess i

Fluidity in a World of Constraints

In twilight's realm where shadows play,  I find my place, both night and day.  Existence fluid, undefined,  A dance of spirit, unconfined. In boxes, some their lives enshroud,  Yet I, a wisp, in veils, am proud.  A puzzle piece, a shapeless form,  A spirit free in life's grand storm. Through realms of soul, I freely glide,  Infinite as the ocean's tide,  A whispered breeze, a fading thought,  In essence boundless, never caught. In this paradoxical sphere I dwell,  A life untamed, a mystic spell,  A consonance of both and none,  My existence in the setting sun. © Sobia Nosheen (October 2023)

How Watching Porn Sucks the Happiness Out of a Man's Life

In the digital age, with the internet just a click away, access to explicit content has never been easier. Pornography has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, but what many may not realize is the profound impact it can have on a man's well-being and happiness. In this article, we'll delve into the ways in which watching porn can erode a man's happiness and offer some insights on how to break free from this potentially destructive habit. Understanding the Allure of Pornography Before we explore the negative effects, it's essential to acknowledge the reasons behind the allure of pornography. Porn offers a temporary escape from reality, providing a quick dopamine rush and a sense of pleasure. For many single men, it can serve as a substitute for genuine intimacy when relationships are lacking. However, this temporary pleasure often comes at a steep cost. Escalating Desensitization One of the most insidious aspects of porn consumption is desensitization. Over time, ind

Being vs. Doing

In a world that often emphasizes productivity and achievements, it's essential to remember that our worth is not solely determined by what we do but also by who we are as individuals. The concept of being a "human being" versus a "human doing" highlights the significance of our intrinsic qualities, character, and values in shaping our identities. While our actions and accomplishments are undoubtedly a part of our lives, they don't define our entire existence. Who we are at our core, our beliefs, our kindness, and our ability to connect with others are fundamental aspects of our humanity. Striving to find a balance between "being" and "doing" is a journey that many embark on throughout their lives. It's essential to recognize that our actions should align with our true selves and the values we hold dear. When we prioritize who we are as individuals, we often find a deeper sense of fulfillment and contentment. The quality of our relatio

Stop Giving Your Heart to People Who Need a Brain

In the complex world of human relationships, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of emotions and attachments. We often find ourselves investing our time, energy, and emotions into individuals who, in hindsight, may not have been the best recipients for our love and affection. It's a common human experience to give our hearts to those who need a brain – people who may not appreciate or reciprocate the depth of our feelings. In this article, we'll explore the concept of being discerning in our emotional investments and discuss why it's crucial to stop giving your heart to such individuals. Before delving deeper into this topic, it's essential to understand the difference between people who genuinely deserve our love and those who might not. People who need a brain in this context are those who display characteristics or behaviours that make them unsuitable for a deep emotional connection. This can encompass a range of traits, including selfishness, emotional u

Exploring the Wisdom of Baba Jee

On a warm afternoon, I found myself walking down the bustling streets of our town, heading towards the familiar spot where Baba Jee sat. The small, weathered corner was his chosen place, where he greeted those seeking his wisdom. Today, I had a pressing question on my mind, one that had been bothering me for a while, and I needed answers. Approaching Baba Jee, I greeted him with a respectful nod and a warm smile. He acknowledged my presence with a serene look in his eyes. With curiosity brimming, I decided to broach the topic that had been bothering me. "Baba Jee," I began, "I came to see you again because I couldn't help but wonder why you avoided my question about Palestine the last time we spoke." Baba Jee looked at me, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of contemplation. Then, in his calm and soothing voice, he responded, "Child, I didn't avoid your question. I was waiting for a better answer to come to me. Some questions are not to be answered in has

The Power of Perspective: Why Quick Judgments Aren't Always True

In a world that constantly bombards us with information, we often find ourselves making quick judgments about people, situations, and events. It's almost second nature to form opinions based on our initial perceptions. But have you ever stopped to consider that your perception isn't always an accurate reflection of reality? Let's take a moment to explore the importance of not rushing to judgment and understanding that your perspective is just one piece of the puzzle. The Illusion of Perception Our perception of the world around us is shaped by our experiences, beliefs, and emotions. It's like looking through a unique lens that distorts reality to some degree. What we see, hear, and feel is filtered through this lens, which can often lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Imagine you're walking down the street, and you see a person who looks dishevelled and is muttering to themselves. Your immediate reaction might be to assume they are homeless or mentally

Caught In A Passing Dream

Souls meet in this realm,  Confined in earthly vessels, dwell,  In bodies, our love constrained,  This union, a heart's silent refrain. Each touch, a glimpse of grace,  Love's yearning, a timeless chase,  Yet, these bodies, barriers they seem,  Two souls imprisoned in a dream. The real rendezvous, untethered and pure,  In the realm of souls, we endure,  Love's dance, unbound and free,  Infinite love, our destiny. Where bodies fade, souls unite,  In the realm of love's pure light,  No barriers, no chains to bind,  Two souls, forever unified. In that sacred space, we'll find,  Love's essence, one of a kind,  Souls in harmony, forever closely tied,  The union of hearts, love undefined. © Sobia Nosheen (20th October 2023)

Is This Necessary ?

In today's fast-paced and information-driven world, our lives are often cluttered with an overwhelming array of activities, commitments, and distractions. Many of us find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, constantly on the move, and rarely taking a moment to pause and reflect on what truly matters. The truth is, most of what we say and do in our daily lives is not essential. In the pursuit of a simpler, more fulfilling existence, we must learn to discern between the essential and the inessential. Our obsession with busyness and the constant need to be connected often leaves us feeling frazzled and perpetually in a rush. We fill our days with an array of tasks, commitments, and activities, most of which may not contribute significantly to our well-being or long-term happiness. The idea of simplifying our lives by eliminating the inessential can be a powerful tool in achieving a sense of time and peace. The first step in this process is to identify what truly matters to u

The Unseen Stories in Ordinary Objects

In a glass, wonders reside,  Crystal vessel, where dreams collide.  Transparent artistry, clear and bright,  A world within, a pure delight. Elixir's home, where flavours play,  Sips of life, throughout the day.  Liquid stories, it does contain,  From water's kiss to wine's sweet reign. A vessel of transformation, see,  Morphing states of matter, free.  From ice to steam, it does it all,  A vessel's magic, both big and small. A lens to peer through time and space,  Reflecting beauty in its embrace.  An instrument for toasts and cheers,  Dispelling worries, calming fears. A conduit to celebrate, connect,  Friendship's bond it does protect.  A symbol of life's endless stream,  In a glass, we find a cherished dream. © Sobia Nosheen (19th October 2023)

If The World Behaves Itself

If the world behaves itself, a profound transformation can take place, leading us towards a future characterized by peace, prosperity, and sustainability. In this hypothetical scenario, the collective efforts of nations, communities, and individuals align to tackle some of the most pressing global issues we face today. From climate change to social inequalities and geopolitical conflicts, let's explore how the world might evolve if it were to "behave." Environmental Stewardship First and foremost, addressing climate change would be at the forefront of the global agenda. Countries would collaborate to reduce carbon emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources and adopting sustainable practices. This concerted effort would slow the rise in global temperatures, mitigating the devastating impacts of extreme weather events and sea-level rise. Preserving our natural environment would become a shared priority, with nations working to protect and restore ecosystems. Eradi

Navigating the Complex Landscape of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Introduction: The Israel-Palestine conflict is a multifaceted geopolitical quagmire that has persisted for decades, defying easy solutions and persistently making headlines worldwide. In this article, we will delve into the intricate web of historical, territorial, and humanitarian issues that have characterized the conflict and explore the various challenges to finding a lasting resolution. The Roots of the Conflict: The origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when both Jewish and Palestinian national movements began to take shape. The competing claims to territory and historical narratives have fueled the dispute, leading to a deep-seated and often emotional conflict. Territorial Disputes: At the heart of the conflict are disputes over territory, primarily concerning the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Israelis and Palestinians have strong connections to these areas due to historical and religious ties. This territorial clash fo

The Sinister Tale of Deceit and Betrayal

In the intricate tapestry of life, sometimes the most harrowing stories emerge, tales of cunning and betrayal that shake our faith in justice and humanity. Such is the heart-wrenching saga of a family, torn apart by a relentless ex-wife's ruthless pursuit of wealth and power. In 2021, amidst the relentless grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, a family was already grappling with the loss of a beloved member. The brother, son, and father, who had been their rock and anchor, succumbed to the merciless virus, leaving behind two young daughters and a widow, his legally wedded wife. As if this loss weren't enough, what followed could only be described as a script from a sinister drama. In the realm of law and morality, there existed a woman who had once been the wife of the deceased, but the story took a twisted turn. Years earlier, in 2012, her union with the man had soured, leading to an amicable separation. They had executed a divorce deed, a legally binding document signed and stamped,

The Age-Old Adage: "If You Live by the Gun, You Will Die by the Gun"

In a world where idioms and proverbs are often used to convey profound wisdom, there's one phrase that stands out as both compelling and controversial: "If you live by the gun, you will die by the gun." This saying has been a part of our collective consciousness for many years, and it speaks to the idea that the choices we make in life can have profound consequences. In this article, we will explore the origins and meaning of this phrase and delve into the various ways it has been interpreted and applied. The origins of this phrase can be traced back to ancient times, where a similar sentiment expresses the idea that actions have consequences. This idea of retribution or consequences for one's actions has been a recurring theme in human history. The phrase gained more widespread popularity in modern times, thanks in part to its use in various books, movies, and songs, often portraying the lives of individuals who engage in violence as a means of survival or power. It

Inner Peace Fosters World Peace

Peace, a concept that has eluded humanity throughout history, is often seen as an elusive goal that can only be achieved through external measures. We often look to governments, international organizations, and peace treaties to foster tranquillity on a global scale. While these efforts are undoubtedly important, they tend to overshadow a fundamental truth: peace must first begin within the individual. There can be no lasting peace in the world unless there is peace within each individual's heart and mind. The idea that inner peace is a prerequisite for external peace has deep roots in philosophy, religion, and spirituality. From the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi to the Dalai Lama, sages and leaders alike have emphasized the importance of inner harmony as a foundation for peace in the world. This insight reflects an essential truth about the human condition: external conflicts often stem from inner turmoil, and the peace that humanity yearns for externally can only be sustained if it

How Loss Shaped My Approach to Relationships

Life is a fragile, fleeting journey, a fact that became startlingly evident to me two years ago when I lost my beloved brother. His passing was a heartbreaking reminder of the preciousness and brevity of life. In the aftermath of that profound loss, I've grown to appreciate the value of time and genuine, nurturing relationships. The pain of losing a lifelong bond has made it glaringly clear that I will not squander my time on toxic people, mind games, or those who consistently misunderstand my words and intentions due to a habit of negative thinking or suspicion. Life's Fleeting Nature: The loss of my brother, my companion for so many years, has had a profound impact on my outlook. It serves as a stark reminder that life is too short to tolerate negativity, toxicity, and emotional turmoil in our relationships. We never know how much time we have on this Earth, and I've resolved to make the most of every precious moment. Swift Letting Go: When a relationship, be it new or ol

Love Amid World's End

As the world draws near its final wane,  I'll rush to you, defying distance, heart in pain,  No matter where I stand, as time unwinds,  I'll reveal this love, secrets tightly bind. Though you're elsewhere, with someone new,  I'll confess emotions, my love for you,  In those moments, when our worlds collide,  I'll pour my heart out, nothing to hide. In moments brief, with feelings traced, Will you share the love that time has graced? Will your heart echo in the same sweet tune,  Underneath the fading light of the moon? As the universe surrenders to the night,  I pray you'll respond, with love burning bright,  Together, we'll face the world's final cue,  And you'll whisper, "I love you," too. © Sobia Nosheen (October 2023)

Ode to Chikna

In the language of Urdu, you see,  A word, "Chikna," with mystery,  It speaks of youth and freshness fair,  A term of endearment, debonair. Chikna, a compliment, indeed,  For someone with a flawless heed,  Skin so smooth, like morning's kiss,  In its charm, we find our bliss. With rosy cheeks and eyes so bright,  Chikna's beauty is a radiant light,  In youth's embrace, they ever dwell,  A story only time can tell. In this word, a beauty's grace,  A glow upon their precious face,  Chikna, a name we fondly sing,  A symbol of eternal spring. © Sobia Nosheen (14th October 2023)

The Elegance of Formality, Fostering a Timeless Bond in Marriage

In a world where informality seems to reign supreme, the choice to maintain a formal tone in a marital relationship might appear unconventional. However, I firmly believe that the elegance of formality holds the power to nurture a peaceful and everlasting bond with one's husband. In this blog post, I will delve into the significance of retaining formal communication in marriage and how it contributes to the strength and longevity of the relationship. Mutual Respect and Appreciation The essence of formality within a marital relationship is deeply rooted in mutual respect and appreciation. Addressing each other with formal titles like "Mr." and "Mrs." (or in Urdu using words like "aap", instead of "tum") underscores the importance of the roles we play in each other's lives. It's a constant reminder of the significance of the person you've chosen to spend your life with, which forms a strong foundation for the relationship. Effective