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Showing posts from June, 2012

You Always Have A God

Ultimately everyone fears God. Even the so-called atheists. Nobody is ever free of fear. It's really amazing to see how, by the end, only God's rule prevails. People will always have a "god", for people are just people. Watch them run for their lives when the earth shakes. Watch them fast; out of fear (of anything), during the month of Ramadan. They fast because they "fear" some god. There is always a "god". Be it the fear of God Almighty, be it the fear of their godly neighbors, godly traditions, godly culture, or any other small worldly god. Nobody is ever in a state of actual godlessness.    

Peshawar Saddar

That little boy at the end of this cart is the owner, selling these fine dates. Peshawar Saddar after 9:00 pm on a Sunday night, is crowded no more.

Got Shine ?

The sun shines on everyone alike, regardless of their worth. The sun shines according to it's own worth. Each one of us behaves according to our own worth. If I am big, I have more kindness to offer. If I am small, I have not much good to offer. Nothing good ever comes out of a worthless being.

Empty People

  You cannot drink out of an empty vessel/glass. If that vessel even has a hole in it, then it will never hold any water for you. Do not be upset when some people are not kind to you. They are like this empty vessel/glass. They lack greatness. They do not have respect, gentleness or kindness to offer. They are empty people.

My Arrogant Breakfast