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Showing posts with the label Wisdom

Wisdom in Life

During my last trip to the tribal region in the north of Pakistan, I found myself once again in the company of Baba Jee before heading back to Karachi. His dwelling, a simple abode, welcomed me with a warmth that transcended its humble surroundings. As I approached, I noticed Baba Jee seated on a worn rug in his mud courtyard, soaking in the golden sunlight. "Baba Jee, it's good to see you again," I greeted him, to which he responded with a welcoming smile. "Come, sit beside me," he gestured to the rug, "and share what's on your mind." Seating myself on the rug, I began to recount various incidents from my life, seeking Baba Jee's guidance. His wise eyes listened attentively, and when I finished, he shared his insights. "My child, let me offer you a piece of advice," he began, his voice carrying the weight of experience. "Never flaunt your wealth or discuss your riches with those who may not share similar financial circumstances.

Choosing Wisely for Marriage

The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over the courtyard where Baba Jee sat every evening. His weathered face carried tales of wisdom, and his eyes sparkled with a glint of insight. I often found solace in his stories, seeking guidance from his years of experience. This evening, I approached him, eager for a conversation that weighed heavy on my mind. "Salaam, Baba Jee," I greeted respectfully, settling down on the mat next to him. "Wa alaikum as-salam, Sobia, my dear child. What brings you here today?" he responded, his voice soft but laden with an air of authority. "I wanted to talk to you about friendships and relationships," I began tentatively. "I've been thinking a lot about who real friends are and also about the kind of person one should look for when thinking about marriage." Baba Jee nodded, his eyes seemingly scanning the distant horizon. "Ah, friendships and marriages. Two paths intertwined with the fabric of trust,

Exploring the Wisdom of Baba Jee

On a warm afternoon, I found myself walking down the bustling streets of our town, heading towards the familiar spot where Baba Jee sat. The small, weathered corner was his chosen place, where he greeted those seeking his wisdom. Today, I had a pressing question on my mind, one that had been bothering me for a while, and I needed answers. Approaching Baba Jee, I greeted him with a respectful nod and a warm smile. He acknowledged my presence with a serene look in his eyes. With curiosity brimming, I decided to broach the topic that had been bothering me. "Baba Jee," I began, "I came to see you again because I couldn't help but wonder why you avoided my question about Palestine the last time we spoke." Baba Jee looked at me, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of contemplation. Then, in his calm and soothing voice, he responded, "Child, I didn't avoid your question. I was waiting for a better answer to come to me. Some questions are not to be answered in has

Whispers of Wisdom

In a quaint little village nestled in the serene Himalayan foothills, I had the extraordinary privilege of encountering Baba jee, a wise and tranquil sage known for his profound insights into life's mysteries. As I approached his humble abode, seeking guidance for the turmoil that had been clouding my mind, Baba jee welcomed me with a serene smile. Seated cross-legged on a worn-out mat, his eyes held a tranquil depth that seemed to see beyond the ordinary.  I poured out my concerns and asked for advice. With a gentle nod, Baba jee leaned forward and uttered those words that would forever shape my perspective: "Don't sweat what isn't your fault. You do you and let everyone's karma handle them." He went on to share a story from his own life, recounting how he, too, had once fretted over the actions and injustices of others. But as he embraced this philosophy, he found peace in focusing on his own path and actions, trusting that the universe had a way of balancin

You May Or May Not...

There is wisdom in the years, go find it. These are the riches you should not miss to collect. I have seen most people growing old, but not growing wise. I guess they have wasted the years and have not collected all the wisdom time had to offer them. Make sure you grow wise too besides growing old. Each passing moment holds pearls of wisdom that you have to seek and grab.